Best Business Name Selection Procedures

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Of course, it helps if you deal with your company and its values. However, certain methods can also help you to find a suitable company name.

For example, think of two to three words that characterize your company. 

Maybe you can connect them to TripAdvisor or Netflix (a combination of internet and flicks (flick = film)) have done this – and have become successful with it. 

But examples from literature and mythology can also be good namesake, says Chaktty. 

Hermes, Mars, and Nike are no longer just a part of literature, they are now also company names.

 If you had a nickname in childhood or speak a foreign language, you can bring this into the brainstorming process. 

Mercedes, for example, was based on the name of the founder’s daughter. 

According to business pally, you can also try to describe your company in words and think about how you can use it to create a name.

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Choosing a business Name shouldn’t be pain in the Ass

To come back to the Apple example. Steve Jobs came up with the business name while visiting an apple orchard. 

He associated apples with “kindness and saw them as peppy and not intimidating.

These were the characteristics that he also associated with the product being sold. 

So, sometimes, it is enough to go through the world with open eyes and ears and be inspired. 

You can also make a board on which you can pin anything that you find suitable or interesting, Techpally boss advised.

As I said, it’s a process, so you should take your time and take breaks to process the impressions you have gained. 

Using Online Name generators 

If all else fails, there is technical support. There are now a large number of name generators that create new and similar word combinations from a few keywords (e.g. company name generator, startup company name generator or wordoid). 

Even if the results usually cannot be adopted directly, they still offer you many fresh ideas and can thus provide important impulses to find the perfect name.

Finding Brandable Names 

The one-click Hipster Business Generator makes it particularly easy to find a Brandable name for your company. 

With one click you will be suggested a name with an idea for the logo. However, you cannot provide any information about your startup here.

 So interests, industry or the like are not included, the selection of the proposed name is random and, in case of doubt, not very appropriate.

Finding a name with the worksheets from WOW Branding works completely differently because in exchange for your email address you will receive some worksheets with which you can develop the name. 

Valuable tips for finding a name and the individual aspects are included. It’s that easy to benefit from the brand agency’s knowledge and experience.

According to business pally, If your favorite for company name has already been found, this tool will help you.

 With SurveyMonkey, you can easily create surveys and check out how your name is received on social networks. 

Friends and family are not always representative, especially when it comes to the target group for your startup. This will help you to make a good final decision for or against a name in the end.

Buying An Existing Name

If you are completely uncreative and really don’t know what to do next, then of course you also have the option of buying an existing name. Chaktty advised.

There is the Techpal tool for this, where you can enter a keyword and then see available names with the logo and the corresponding price. 

The prices are in USD. You also have the option of finding a name by selecting the industry or by type and style of the name; suggestions will be displayed via these categories.

Novanym is another that works in the same way, only that the prices are displayed in euros here. 

You can also find a name with this tool, but you will also be suggested names that have already been entered and you can then purchase them, says businesspally boss.

You can get suggestions for the name via a keyword or again via the industry.


Finding a good company name is one of the most exciting tasks and is also one of the most important milestones in the start-up phase. 

Fixing a distinctive and memorable name is not that difficult, as long as you keep a few things in mind. 

Use your creativity or be inspired by your customers, specific locations, or business partners. 

The possibilities are almost endless, and if you look for a name with fun and enthusiasm, you may be amazed at the great ideas and ideas that arise within a very short time. 

Keep your eyes and ears open, be creative, establish a powerful business name – let’s go! 

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