Some Exciting Websites that Can be Accessed When One is Bored

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The Internet is a great friend, especially when it comes to entertainment and killing boredom. When one feels too lazy to indulge in any outdoor activity or doesn’t have enough time to start their binge-watching session, but they still need something to enjoy their leisure time, the Internet comes to their rescue. 

Some people also enjoy spoof calling as a pastime, if you are one of those people then visit this site for websites that provide free unlimited spoof calling. Certain websites are made to provide entertainment and knowledge to the users. Not only do they have an interactive and quirky interface, but some of them also come with games and small trivia, which can be super fun to try hands-on. 

Following is a list of some of those interesting websites that can be accessed when one is bored. These websites are selected based on a broad user base, the quality of content, and minimum ad issues to provide a good experience to the users. Another factor that makes them a great choice is interacting with other users on these platforms. So, feel free to make internet buddies from around the world. 

1. Reddit- 

Nothing can beat this age-old fellow who has proven to be one of the most reliable platforms to share jokes, stories, funny prompts, and interesting questions. The subreddits are niche areas where like-minded individuals share the same interests through answers and pieces of information. One can ask the weirdest question possible or browse through some of the most fun answers already posted. 

2. TED- 

TED is a non-profit organization built around the concept of sharing ideas and thoughts. It is a platform that hosts events like TED-talk, which is a platform given to some of the most brilliant minds around the world to share their insights, work experiences, stories, theories, and views. 

Ranging from psychology to ethics, the themes are endless on which speakers have delivered content. This website will not only keep you entertained but also motivated. It has served as an inspiration to many users who want a shift in perspective and approach. 

3. The Oatmeal- 

If you are an avid reader of comics and love illustration, this website is like hitting the jackpot. It is filled with comic strips, puzzles, and quizzes that are funny and relatable. Games, books, comics, blogs, and whatnot, The Oatmeal has it all curated for the users. The vibrant comic strips and puzzles keep the user hooked for a long span of time. One can’t help but chuckle at every other piece. 

4. BuzzFeed- 

The king of media content, BuzzFeed caters to a large audience. This website has it all, from games, quizzes, videos, news streaks, memes to jokes and unusual information. It flourishes on the themes in the news and hooks the user around content that is made on those themes. The other feature that makes it a good choice is BuzzFeed’s section on breaking news, which instantly serves hot news. 

5. 9GAG- 

A website based on sharing visual content and expressing views and opinions, 9GAG has been one of the most successful cases among young users. From memes jokes to Photoshop failures, 9GAG has it all. 

It has a large fanbase on Instagram and Snapchat, which has attracted people to its website. Loaded with a user-friendly interface and a plethora of interactive visual content,9GAG is the perfect companion for your spare time. 

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6. Bored Panda- 

This interesting website is built around the concept of sharing illustrations, pictures, and articles, which are curated around entertaining topics and stories.

Goofy pictures, unusual stories, and quirky artwork can be found on this amazing website which is the right choice for some spare time. A Lithuanian website by its origin, the cool part about this is its ability to deliver funny content, which is clean and inoffensive. 

7. Celebuzz- 

If you are someone who takes an interest in the juicy lives of celebs and the entertainment industry, this is the right kind of website for you. The website is loaded with news, interviews, gossip, theories, and videos around celebrity news and happenings. 

So if you want to know whether your favorite celebrity couple has broken up or who is the most paid celebrity right now, then run through this website. It will surely kill your boredom. 

8. Mental Floss- 

As the name suggests, this website is going to twist some screws of your mind by providing you with weird, wacky facts. Questions and answers around many fields like science, cosmos, history, music, pop culture, etc., can keep you hooked for hours. 

Stories and facts which are too fascinating to be true will leave you puzzled and amused for a long time. 

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These websites are some of the most browsed and liked ones by users because of their quality content. Not only do they hold the potential of bringing entertainment to the table, but a lot of knowledge around the world can also be gathered through these websites. 

Some of these websites also serve links to videos and podcasts, which can be used for a better experience if you aren’t interested in reading for hours. Some of these websites also hold the title of being time-tested. 

Starting in the ’80s and ’90s, a few of these have come a long way in their content quality and user base. So don’t worry, when you get nothing in your hands the next you get bored. These websites will keep you hooked for a pretty good amount of time.

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